La Pavoni Stradivari Wood Handles SPH
At Complete Cafe Services, we love the La Pavoni Stradivari SPH. La pavoni offers great quality coffee machines without taking up your kitchen bench space! After the success of the model Europiccola (1950) and Professional (1970), comes Stradivari(2005), a machine that synthesize, the most pure shape and the most reliable technics thanks to the centenarian experience of La Pavoni.
The model Stradivari together with the coffee grinder Jolly and the plinth are the functional answer to the consumer’s need.
The model Stradivari has been studied drawing inspiration from the violin, sole musical instrument, became a work of art thanks to the famous lute-maker lived in Cremona, Antonio Stradivari. The plinth remind to the violin case and the lever to the bow. The result is to obtain a performance and an aesthetic and functional pleasure.
2 year warranty